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Introduction the evolution of deep sea creatures
Deep sea Creatures animals are going through a mysterious evolution. They are evolving right now at this very moment. If you don’t believe in some very ugly creatures, then look at this. This is the squid living in shallow waters.

And this squid living in the deep sea.

Vampire Squid
Cousin of the same creature, you can clearly see that despite being of the same species, this squid has evolved itself into a blood-sucking vampire in the region well deep sea, which had to keep itself alive, so is it really deep ? To survive in the sea, sea creatures have to take a scary form. Well kind of and why and how, I will explain it to you in detail further but you know what. All fishes are not exactly scary, some specials are also strange.

Sarcastic Fringehead
It may look as small as 2 litter bottle in size but as soon as it opens its mouth, it appears so big that it can shallow a person’s head and is unique from all the others. Looking at it,

Predatory Tunicate
It seems as if someone has plucked out of the eyeball of the one-eyed puppet and shallowed it. So, along with the scary noise, this strangeness is also a survival strategy of deep sea creatures. Because if you are wondering, this is happening only because of the harsh environment, so let me tell you, land animals also live in harsh environment, like for example cockroach, it lives in our house, in the desert and also in the rain forest of Amazon, leave all this, creature of volcanoes. These have have been found in India, but in all these cockroaches, not only their size keeps increasing from small to big, what is this quality in such a drawstring that as the depth increases, it starts making the creatures completely different, ugly and strange.
Headless Chicken Monster Fish found in the Antarctic Deep Sea
Now, some interesting researches have done the answer to this question. When they were searching, they found a Hedley chicken swimming in deep water, which gave them the answers to all these questions. Actually, this is the year of 2018 , a group of Australians researchers were searching fishing spot through underwater cameras in the Antarctic Deep Sea. One of the researchers saw a decapitated chicken floating in the water.

Now, finding a chicken in the middle of the Antarctic Sea was a very strange thing in itself. On top of that, this chicken did not even have a head and that is why the researchers got nervous. Told about this chicken to his leader Dirk Wells Ford. At first Dirk did not believe It, but when he saw it with his own eyes, he was also amazed because one, it really looked like a Christmas turkey and second, the thing is that there was only one opening in his body through which he was breathing, eating and from there his digested food was also coming out. Can you believe that but the even more strange thing was that, this to keep two opening clean, he had also kept small fishes in this opening which were eating the leftover food.
Now obviously, seeing all this, dirk and his team became very curious because they had done all their work. I had never seen such a strange thing before, so while serching, they started watching the footage of that creature on loop again and again and then suddenly one of them said, “Hey, this is a shark, I mean same shark.” How is this possible, which is often found lying under the feet in the shallow waters of the beach etc., because you can see that there is a world of difference between a similar crab and this newly found creature, so how did the researchers reach this conclusion? Now on this, those researchers had to say that there is only one species in the sea with such a single opening and soft skin like gelatine and that Is the sea cucumber and that is why they did not face any problem in identifying it, but did it really come true?
Also, this question is lingering that despite being of the same species, how can there be such a huge difference between these two creatures, so when Dirk started investigating in this direction with this question, he came to know that this Sea Quek. It used to live at the depth of Mount Everest in the sea where food is no so easily available and that is why it flapped like a normal sea cucumber so that it could swim longer distance to find food and hence it took different from the shallow water sea cucumber. After knowing the truth of the particular case, another question came to Duck’s mind that how many other such creatures must be there in the deep sea which evolved in a similar or even more strange way because while doing further research he came across this.
Japanese spider crab
The creature found a crab ,yes, such a crap, whose only leg starts from the chest of the person seen in the photo and ends at his leg.

Now seeing this crab, like any other person, Duck felt that this is the biggest till date. It must be a crab but boy was it wrong over there because the largest crab of this deep water crab species has only one leg as long as the hight of an adult human being. This was just an averaged sized crab, in fact so many due to their large size, these crabs can easily pass through a human child and that is why after their sightings, people named them Crab District.
You may also remember the story of Cthulhu Monster which was used to kill the sailors from the ships.

The story that used to drag him into the depths of the water was also inspired by this crab, that is, by the time he reached this creature, Dirk understood that the survival game in the deep sea is going on something different, something which can be understood more deeply. It became necessary and it was this through that led them to the third weirdest creature, a creature that literally had sharp teeth up to its neck. Now this creature had evolved from a simple eel in which these changes came due to living in deep water.
EEL evolution by underwater

So, what happened in the case of this particular eel? What is the deep water survival strategy of fishers like well in? See, eels in shallow waters produce electric currents throughout their body to escape from the grip of hunters, whereas in deep waters this species eels themselves are hunters and that is why it has become more important for them that their prey does not miss their mouth and for this reason, as a survival trait, they have developed invert facing teeth till their neck.

Research of Susan Lindquist
Now even friends may be having this question in your mind. You might be thinking that ok, understand that the normal creature start looking wired after going into the deep sea, but how does this evolution happen exactly? How much time does it take? Well, to find answers to these questions, Susan Lindquist, a researcher from MIT, did a lot of research.

Conducted unique research. Actually, in his research, he took some Mexican tetra fishes. Now why specifically these fishes were taken because according to Sujan, several million years ago, some Mexican tetra fishes had gone from shallow water to live in deep sea caves and as soon as they want into deep water, their eyes went away and they started looking different from their shallow water cousins. Sujan felt that if she could find the cause and effect behind this adaptation, then perhaps they would be able to understand the strangeness of deep sea creatures. And she would get to know about scary nice because she suspected that ASP90 protein, which causes mutation in the genes of animals, might be behind it and she wanted to verify this. They injected some chemicals into the eyed cousins and voluntarily manipulated their ASP90 protein and now do you know what happened after that.
Well, after a few days, they noticed that in the next generation of these fishes, the eyes of some became bigger. The eyes of some of them had disappeared like their deep sea cousins. Besides, they also noticed that there was a difference of 83% in the size of the eyes of the fishes and this confirmed that the Mexican tetras that had gone to live in the deep sea had ASP90. Variations in proteins had now definitely come here. The next obvious question was why exactly this happened at that time when these fishes evolved. There is no way to know exactly for sure except going back in the Time Machine. But we can give some possible explanation behind this evolution like for example, there is more darkness in the deep sea due to which the chances of seeing any fish are less and hence in such situation, for any fish, there is more darkness than eyes. It becomes important to detect movements in the water and that is why, as per natural selection, these fishes have discarded their eyes and developed the senses to sense the movements in the water, so when in deep sea, the eyes can detect the movements. There was no need so naturally these eyes did not benefit survival and if the eyes did not benefits survival then some mutation versions did not have eyes and yet those fishes started surviving well, so gradually these eyes were the trait was completely eliminated in newer versions and replaced with traits that actually boosted survival in the deep sea. But here comes another conflate.
here are many fish in the deep sea that have eyes. And if eyes are not providing any benefits in survival in deep sea, then all those fishes should not have eyes. Well, your question is absolutely valid, but let us understand the concept a little again. See, ASP90 protein is used in any bringing mutation in the genes and not only in the income related genes and that is why this protein is responsible for the mutation of different genes in different organisms. Some fishers have brought mutation in the genes that determine their skin color to protect themselves from Predators. And they converted the color of their body into black or red because after reaching the deep sea, the red light is first scattered and lost, due to which these coloured creatures become invisible in in the deep sea and this is the reason.The color of most of the deep sea creatures was either red or black and here, just to answer the original question, a second logical explanation also comes, so today we all know, humans have a tail bone but that tailbone is of no use to us but still we have inherited that trait. There are some expectations. Definitely in most of the cases.
If you do not use those traits then you will loose them, but sometimes even if some traits are not benefiting you, they get carried forward in the coming generation and the same may be happening with other fishes too. Even if two eyes are not benefiting them that much. But it has just become like a vestige’s organ for now soon looking back has the mystery been completely solved?
AB CHAPMAN discovered that behind the strange and scary appearance
Well not exactly. When susan started researching it in more detail, she discovered that behind the strange and scary appearance in the past also show that animals living in the deep sea also make a special thing due to which their structure starts looking strange. In fact, AB CHAPMAN, a researcher at the University of London, I had observed that just like the roads of the tent ot its frame, the cells of the kolappan also have structures called pidgey eye which protect them from collapsing in the high pressure of the deep sea. I am not noisy. The question came to your mind. Or not, there is extreme pressure in the deep sea, after all, how do these creatures stay away? Well now you have the answer. Due to this piezo effect, the cells of organist muscles start looking different from normal cells, which is also reflected in their physical appearance. Which is also reflected in their physical appearance. But not all fishes show this adaptation. Some fishes also use an alternate mechanism. In this, they adjust the shape of their body in such a way that there is minimum pressure on every inch of their body.

Now in such a case, to withstand true pressure, what could be the most ideal shape? Well, according to physics, it is a sphere and the sea shells in the deep sea look like inflated balloons. And as for these fishes, you can see them. The lower jaw has grown in an unusual way, this is because these small fishes get to eat mostly the same thing which gets research from the mouth of the fishes living near the surface and goes down to the deep sea and hence in such a situation, it is the best strategic. The only adaptation would be to make the mouth so big that it can accommodate everything in one go. So all in all, now we know that to live in the harsh environment of the deep sea, all these organisms have to adapt their genetics, their cellular structures and even you have to bring changes in your shape also and that is why despite not wanting a result, they Start looking quite different and unique but now just consider this thing, you must have noticed that ever since we started the video and as the when we started decoding the stuck pores of these fishes, after some time suddenly they started not appearing so strange to us, so here basically the question arise that why do we find something scary and weird, why if something look different . So, we find something scary or weird, after all , what is the meaning of scary or weird and why do we find something scary in the beginning, but after repeated exposure, its scary weirdness all of a sudden reduces?

This is the concept. Let me explain it to you with a simple thought experiment. Imagine that you are watching a circus and an actor wearing a nun’s costume tries to scare you. Will you feel scared? Well, leave the actor if that circus. Even if a real nun has entered the room, no one will be scared of her, but if you are walking on deserted road in the dark night and an actor comes in front of you wearing a nun’s costume, than it is sure guarantee that you will feel scared. Now who are we afraid of, that nun or the environment? Well, the environment because the environment is unknown, so actually that fundamental level, we are afraid of those things which are unknown to us because our mind associates unknown things with risk in a way.

Associated with being unsafe and this is actually one of the most fundamental reasons because if we talk about the deep sea, you know at 95 you see creatures of the deep sea exploding, these creatures you normally see around here- they are not visible there, so their exposure in front of you has been very less and that is why these creatures appear alien to us appear unknown and our brain perceives them with fear emotion, so here basically the fear is not from the scary creatures but due to their being unknown and in the very fact that they live in an unknown environment which 95 unexplored yes, that fear is being created if their exposure is repeated in front of you like they start appearing here and there in the aquarium every at some point this fear will also reduce and after a point you would just not be afraid.
Check this link to see more deep sea creatures –
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